Monday, March 5, 2012

R was sick all weekend so we didn’t get much done this past weekend.  Today was a very productive day.  We received most of the materials for our new math curriculum.  We will be starting Math U See Alpha level.  R spent quite a lot of time playing with the manipulative blocks today.  T joined in with the block play after he woke up from his nap.  I have been having some trouble teaching R place value.  Today I broke the concept up into about 8 steps and plan on going through one lesson a day.  Hopefully in a week or two he will have it.
After our place value work we finished reading “All About Sam”  R immediately asked me to read it again.  T was working on our body puzzle.  I helped him a bit.  He did it two times in a row then R took over and did it unassisted. 
After Body Puzzle time the boys both did some computer reading lessons.  R worked on Reading Eggs.  T worked on Starfall.

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