Monday, March 5, 2012

2/25/2012 Saturday
Went to “My Little Outback” with both boys from 9:30-12:00.  While there R sounded out a word or two and wrote it on the chalk board.  T scribbled, told me he was writing letters, while I tried to identify what letters they may be.  We read the book “Heggity Peggity”.  Once home we read the book “The Three Little Pigs” 
After that R and I went over to Aunt Grace’s house to help her move.  He was very well behaved and helpful.  He helped carry boxes to the new apartment, and vacuumed the bed room.  He found a yard stick and tried to measure several items.  I showed him how he didn’t have to count every line, but just had to read the final number.  Aunt Grace gave him some new books, and we read a “Little Critter”  book that taught kids about calling 911.  We discussed 911 a bit and why you would have to call.  Aunt Grace also gave him some “Puzzle Buzz” magazines which are made by the “Highlights” company.  He did a couple of matching puzzles in the book, both involved matching.  I plan on having him write a thank you letter to Aunt Grade later but he was too tired tonight. 
When we got home he watched Curious George with T for awhile while G and I made dinner.  After dinner he did a “Reading Eggs” lesson while T practiced cutting with scissors.  He was pretty tired after such a busy day and even though he asked me to do Reading Eggs, he was a bit reluctant to work on it today.
For a day that I thought was not overly educational, I see that R at least did quite a lot. 

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