Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just another week

R is 30 m and T is 14 m
This week we really didn't do a ton of academic work, but we still had a lot of fun. R has been rather wild, defiant, and a bit destructive lately.  Basically he is just acting like a 2 and a half year old, but it is making it difficult to work with him.  

We spent some time at the play ground.  

While at the play ground we found a ton of tiny acorns on the ground and collected a bunch of them for our sensory tub.  I also added a few seed pods.  Later in the week the boys and their grandmother found some spiky seeds to add, and this week we added some normal sized acorns and acorn caps.  I am quite happy with it.  
 Though as you can see it didn't stay in the tub very long.
R is obsessed with fires.  I mean totally obsessed, he is constantly piling up small objects (blocks, pieces of paper… and declaring it a fire).  Here he is stacking wood for a real fire, he brought all of this wood up from the side of the house by himself.  

After stacking wood on a different day R and I had this conversation.
Mommy “Do you think you need to wash your hands?”
R (while looking at his hands): “no”

He is getting pretty good with one to one correspondence up to 12.  Though he still needs help organizing his counting.  For example if the objects are in a straight line he will count them correctly.  If they are in a grid (such as cookies on a cookie sheet) he counts randomly not yet understanding that he has to count one row at a time.  He still has trouble remembering the numbers from 12-20 so I decided to work on that a bit more this week.  He now counts 1-13 correctly, skips 14 and 15, then counts 16-20 correctly.  

We spent a lot of time singing "1 little 2 little 3 little fires"  to the tune of "Ten Little Indians".  That song is great because you can replace the word Indian with pretty much anything the kid is interested in.  Since I wanted to work on numbers 10-20 I didn't stop at 10.  Instead of counting backwards after getting to 10 (which is how the original song went) we continued on with 11 big, 12, big, 13 big fires.... Until we got up to 20.  R thought it was great and asked me to sing it over and over again. 

We walked along a street near our house that has been allowed to go back to nature.  It is a pretty cool area.  Daddy even came along.

R practiced cutting and spends a lot of time practicing.  He is getting pretty good at it.  He folded a piece of paper up and accidentally cut something that was sort of heart shaped.  I gave him another folded piece of paper with half a heart drawn on it and he did a really good job of cutting on the line.  He had a bit of trouble with the curve but it was still better than I expected him to do.  I didn't get a picture of his final product because he cut it into tiny pieces as soon as he was finished.
R practiced matching letters for his name that I wrote on counting chips.  I found the idea at 1+1+1=1, though she used lids to do the same thing.  After matching the letters he covered the whole thing in glue.
Daddy got a big box in the mail, which the boys thought was wonderful.

T practiced dumping glass gems from a small cup into a big cup.  He chose this activity himself.  He got a hold of the gems while my back was turned.  The kid can't walk yet but he is an amazing climber and he got them off of the counter.  
 Go to 1+1+1=1 to see what other toddlers are doing.


Elle Belles Bows said...

Looks like a great week! Love the playing in the box! Kerri

Patricia said...

my tot used to skip 13 and 15. After several weeks working with the calendar, with numbers on the stairs... She has incorporate number 13, know we have to start with 15. It's amazing how fast they can learn something and relearn as well. Keep your good working, I love the song idea;)