Welcome to my Toddler Home School. I have been attempting to "formally" home school my two boys for about the past month. Let me introduce myself and my family before I continue. R is 29 months, his birthday is March, 2008, and T is nearly 13 months, his birthday is July 2009. I am an online school teacher. Yes, you read that correctly, I said online school teacher. I teach geometry to about 300 high school students through the internet every year. I am very blessed that I am able to work from home and that I have two wonderful caretakers (one of which is the kids grandmother) who are able to take care of my kids while I work.
My husband and I have been discussing the possibility of homeschooling are children since before R was born. I did a lot of reading on the subject this past year, and have decided that I want to give it a try. I saw no reason to wait until my kids are 5 years old and decided to give it a try this summer while I was on summer break.
We had several rocky starts. I spent a lot of time reading up on different curriculum. One of the ones that I found suggested reading the same book every day for a week and doing activities based on the book. R, who loves to read, hated the first few books I chose. Even though my boys are only 16 months apart in age, they are on vastly different levels. That meant it was impossible to choose a book both boys could enjoy.
I read a lot about Waldorf Education, which I found intriguing but it sounded more like a way of life and not like a formal education to me. From my reading I did discover ways to simplify our lives a bit. The Waldorf philosophy does do a good job of describing appropriate toys for pre-schoolers, and talks about reasons why tv is harmful. I may go into those topics more in a later post. The main result of my Waldorf readings was that I stopped letting my kids watch any tv (except when someone is sick). I also got rid of a lot of toys, and no longer feel guilty about the fact that my boys have very few toys.
In my education research, I finally settled on what I know best, Montessori. I attended Montessori schools from age 3- 8th grade. When I tried presenting some Montessori activities to R I was amazed. I realized that at least for the time being this is what I am looking for. I am still struggling, and therefore researching a lot. This blog will be my attempt to record what we do. I figured it will give me good practice once they do hit school age and I have to turn something in to the school district. I am also doing this because I have read several other Montessori blogs that have helped me get started and I hope to return the favor to someone else.
That is enough for today. Tomorrow I will show what we have done so far.
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